Subaru Outback (BR): Braking
Never rest your foot on the brake pedal while driving. This can cause dangerous
overheating of the brakes and needless wear on the brake pads and linings.
When driving in rain or after washing the vehicle, the brakes may get wet. As
a result, brake stopping distance will be longer. To dry the brakes, drive the vehicle
at a safe speed while lightly d
Remember to make use of engine braking in addition to foot braking. When descending
a grade, if only the foot brake is used, the brakes may start working improperly
because of brake fluid overheat
The automatic transmission is electronically controlled and provides 5 forward
speeds and 1 reverse speed. The continuously variable transmission is electronically
controlled and provides an infinite number of forward speeds and 1 reverse speed.
Both the automatic transmission and continuously
When parking your vehicle, always perform the following items.
● Apply the parking brake.
● For MT models, put the shift lever in the “1” (1st) for upgrade or “R” (Reverse)
for a downgrade.
● For AT and CVT models, put the select lever in the “P” (Park) position. N
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