Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Page (track/folder title) scroll

If you press the “TEXT” button again for at least 0.5 second, the title will

If you press the “TEXT” button again for at least 0.5 second, the title will be scrolled so you can see all of it.


The display is designed to show titles for up to 30 characters.


 Folder selection

Press the “” side of the “FOLDER” button briefly to select the next folder. Press the “” side of the button briefly to go back to the previous folder. NOTE ● Selecting folde

 How to eject a CD from the player (type A)

When a disc is being played back or when a disc is in the player, press the eject button “”. The disc will be ejected. NOTE ● Avoid driving the vehicle with a CD sticking out, because

 How to eject CDs from the player (type B)

NOTE ● Avoid driving the vehicle with a CD sticking out, because vibration might make it fall out. ● If you do not remove the ejected disc within approximately 15 seconds, a disc pro


 Changing the batteries

CAUTION ● Do not let dust, oil or water get on or in the remote engine start transmitter when replacing the battery. ● Be careful not to damage the printed circuit board in the remote engine start transmitter when replacing the battery. ● Be careful not to allow children to


A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-25, REMOVAL, Manual Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the clutch cover and clutch disc. <Ref. to CL-11, REMOVAL, Clutch Disc and Cover.> 3) Using the ST, remove the flywheel. ST 498497100 CRANKSHAFT STOPPER Flywheel B: I

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