Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Shifter Fork and Rod


1) Remove the manual transmission assembly from the vehicle. <Ref. to 6MT-25, REMOVAL, Manual Transmission Assembly.>

2) Remove the back-up light switch and the neutral position switch. <Ref. to 6MT-37, REMOVAL, Switches and Harness.>

3) Remove the transfer case together with the extension case assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-40, REMOVAL, Transfer Case and Extension Case Assembly.>

4) Remove the transmission case. <Ref. to 6MT- 57, REMOVAL, Transmission Case.>

5) Remove the drive pinion shaft assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-67, REMOVAL, Drive Pinion Shaft Assembly.>

6) Remove the main shaft assembly for single-range.

<Ref. to 6MT-60, REMOVAL, Main Shaft Assembly for Single-Range.>

7) Remove the front differential assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-77, REMOVAL, Front Differential Assembly.>

8) Remove the check ball plugs, gasket, check ball springs and check balls.

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 1st-2nd
  2. 3rd-4th
  3. 5th-6th
  4. Rev.

9) Use the ST to push out the spring pin of 5th-6th shifter fork and reverse shifter fork, and remove the 5th-6th shifter fork, reverse shifter fork, 5th-6th fork rod and reverse fork rod.

NOTE: Tap out the reverse shifter fork spring pin, after setting the gear into reverse position. In the neutral position, removing is impossible because the clearance between transmission case is narrow.


Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 5th-6th shifter fork
  2. Reverse shifter fork
  3. Spring pin
  4. 5th-6th fork rod
  5. Reverse fork rod

10) Drive out the spring pin tapping by the ST, and remove the 3rd-4th shifter fork and fork rod.

NOTE: When removing the rod, keep other rods in neutral.


Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 3rd-4th shifter fork
  2. 3rd-4th fork rod
  3. Spring pin

11) Drive out the spring pin tapping by the ST, and remove the 1st-2nd shifter fork and fork rod.


Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 1st-2nd shifter fork
  2. 1st-2nd fork rod
  3. Spring pin


1) Install the 1st-2nd fork rod to the 1st-2nd shifter fork through the hole on the rear of the transmission case.

2) Align the holes in the rod and the fork, and drive the spring pin into these holes using the ST to fix.

NOTE: Use new spring pin.


Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 1st-2nd shifter fork
  2. 1st-2nd fork rod
  3. Spring pin

3) Install the 3rd-4th fork rod to the 3rd-4th shifter fork through the hole on the rear of the transmission case.

4) Align the holes in the rod and the fork, and drive the spring pin into these holes using the ST to fix.



Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 3rd-4th shifter fork
  2. 3rd-4th fork rod
  3. Spring pin

5) Install the 5th-6th fork rod into 5th-6th shifter fork, then insert through the hole on the rear of transmission case. Align the hole of the 5th-6th shifter fork with the hole on the transmission case, then insert the reverse fork rod to install the reverse shifter fork.

6) Align the holes in the rod and the fork, and drive the spring pin into these holes using the ST to fix.



Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 5th-6th shifter fork
  2. Reverse shifter fork
  3. Spring pin
  4. 5th-6th fork rod
  5. Reverse fork rod

7) Install the check ball plugs, gaskets, check ball springs and check balls.

NOTE: Use a new gasket.

Tightening torque: 20 N*m (2.0 kgf-m, 14.8 ft-lb)

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 1st-2nd
  2. 3rd-4th
  3. 5th-6th
  4. Rev.

8) Install the front differential assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-77, INSTALLATION, Front Differential Assembly.>

9) Install the main shaft assembly for single-range. <Ref. to 6MT-60, INSTALLATION, Main Shaft Assembly for Single-Range.>

10) Install the drive pinion shaft assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-67, INSTALLATION, Drive Pinion Shaft Assembly.>

11) Install the transmission case. <Ref. to 6MT-58, INSTALLATION, Transmission Case.>

12) Install the transfer case together with the extension case assembly. <Ref. to 6MT-40, INSTALLATION, Transfer Case and Extension Case Assembly.>

13) Install the back-up light switch and the neutral position switch. <Ref. to 6MT-37, INSTALLATION, Switches and Harness.>

14) Install the manual transmission assembly to the vehicle. <Ref. to 6MT-29, INSTALLATION, Manual Transmission Assembly.>


1) Check the fork and rod for damage. Replace if it is damaged.

2) Gearshift mechanism Repair or replace the gearshift mechanism if excessively worn, bent or defective in any way.

3) Inspect the clearance between 2nd driven gear and coupling sleeve. If any clearance is not within specifications, replace the shifter fork as required.

Clearance (a): 9.4 - 10.0 mm (0.370 - 0.394 in)

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 1st driven gear
  2. Coupling sleeve
  3. 2nd driven gear

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

4) Inspect the clearance between the 3rd, 4th drive gear and the coupling sleeve. If any clearance is not within specifications, replace the shifter fork as required.

Clearance (a): 7.4 mm (0.291 in)
Clearance (b): 9.3 mm (0.366 in)

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 3rd drive gear
  2. Coupling sleeve
  3. 4th drive gear

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

5) Inspect the clearance between 5th, 6th drive gear and coupling sleeve. If any clearance is not within specifications, replace the shifter fork as required.

Clearance (a): 8.8 mm (0.346 in)
Clearance (b): 9.4 mm (0.370 in)

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. 5th drive gear
  2. Coupling sleeve
  3. 6th drive gear

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

6) Check the clearance between the reverse idler gear and reverse coupling sleeve. If any clearance is not within specifications, replace the shifter fork as required.

Clearance (a): 0.50 - 0.85 mm (0.020 - 0.033 in)

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

  1. Reverse idler gear
  2. Reverse coupling sleeve

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

7) Inspect the rod end clearances (A) and (B). If any clearance is not within specifications, replace the rod or fork as required.

Clearance (A):
1st-2nd - 3rd-4th
0.1 - 0.9 mm (0.004 - 0.035 in)

Clearance (B):
3rd-4th - 5th-6th
0.2 - 1.0 mm (0.008 - 0.039 in)

Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential

General Diagnostic Table



Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential


Subaru Outback. Manual Transmission and Differential


 Clutch System

 General Description of Clutch System

A: SPECIFICATION B: COMPONENT 1. CLUTCH ASSEMBLY Dust cover Lever spring Pivot Release lever (non-turbo model) Clip (non-turbo model) Release bearing (non-turbo

 Clutch Disc and Cover

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission assembly from vehicle body. <Ref. to 6MT-25, REMOVAL, Manual Transmission Assembly.> 2) Attach the ST to the flywheel. ST 499747100 CLUTCH DISC GUIDE C


 Reduction Driven Gear

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extension Case.> 3) Remove the rear drive shaft. <Ref. to CVT-141, REMOVAL, Rear Drive Shaft.> 4) Remove

 Door Sash Tape

A: REMOVAL 1. FRONT DOOR 1) Disconnect the ground cable from battery. 2) Remove the front door trim. <Ref. to EI-60, FRONT DOOR, REMOVAL, Door Trim.> 3) Remove the outer mirror assembly. <Ref. to GW-28, REMOVAL, Outer Mirror Assembly.> 4) Remove the sealing cover. CAUTION: Carefull

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