Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Parking Brake (Diagnostics)

Subaru Outback (BR) 2010-2015 Service Manual / Chassis / Parking Brake (Diagnostics)


 Basic Diagnostic Procedure of Parking Brake

A: PROCEDURE CAUTION: When removing or installing, remove all foreign matter (dust, water, and oil) from the electronic parking brake control module connectors. NOTE: To check the harness fo

 How to use Subaru Select Monitor, data, modes

A: OPERATION 1. HOW TO USE SUBARU SELECT MONITOR NOTE: For detailed operation procedures, refer to "PC application help for Subaru Select Monitor". If communication is not pos

 Read Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)

A: OPERATION NOTE: For detailed operation procedures, refer to "PC application help for Subaru Select Monitor". For details concerning DTCs, refer to "List of Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)". <


 Vehicle Dynamics Control - List of Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)

A: LIST Diagnostic Procedure with Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) A: DTC C0021 FRONT RIGHT ABS SENSOR CIRCUIT OPEN OR SHORT NOTE: For the diagnostic procedure, refer to "DTC C0027 REAR LEFT ABS SENSOR CIRCUIT OPEN OR SHORT". <Ref. to VDC(diag)-40, DTC C0027 REAR LEFT ABS SENSO

 Vehicle Dynamics Control warning light

CAUTION The Vehicle Dynamics Control system provides its ABS control through the electrical circuit of the ABS system. Accordingly, if the ABS is inoperative, the Vehicle Dynamics Control system becomes unable to provide ABS control. As a result, the Vehicle Dynamics Control system also becom

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