Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Skip channel selection

When in the SAT mode, press the “SEEK” button “”

When in the SAT mode, press the “SEEK” button “or “” continuously to change to the
or “channel selection mode. Pressing the “SEEK” button “”” continuously to change to the
channel selection mode. Pressing the “SEEK” button “changes the channel up by 10 steps each time. Pressing “”
changes the channel up by 10 steps each time. Pressing “changes the channel down by 10 steps each time.
changes the channel down by 10 steps each time.


 Category selection

To activate the category search mode, press the “PTY/CAT” button. To deactivate the category search mode, press the “PTY/CAT” button again. When in the category search mode, pressing th

 Channel scan

If you press the “SCAN” button while the radio is in the category search mode, the radio turns to the category SCAN mode. In the category SCAN mode, the radio scans only channels in the sele

 Channel preset


 Transfer Reduction Driven Gear

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission assembly from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extension Case.> 3) Remove the transfer clutch assembly. <Ref. to CVT-146, REMOVAL, Transfer Clutch.&

 Under-floor storage compartment

The subfloor storage compartment is located under the floor of the trunk or cargo area and can be used to store small items. To open the lid, pull the tab or handle up. NOTE When storing a flat tire, put the subfloor storage in the trunk or cargo area. CAUTION ● Always keep the lid of

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