Subaru Outback manuals

Subaru Outback (BR): Transfer Reduction Driven Gear


1) Remove the transmission assembly from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.>

2) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extension Case.>

3) Remove the transfer clutch assembly. <Ref. to CVT-146, REMOVAL, Transfer Clutch.>

4) Remove the transfer reduction driven gear assembly.

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission


1) Install the reduction driven gear assembly.

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

2) Select shims. <Ref. to CVT-161, ADJUSTMENT, Transfer Reduction Driven Gear.>

3) Mount the selected shim onto ball bearing.

4) Install the transfer clutch assembly. <Ref. to CVT-147, INSTALLATION, Transfer Clutch.>

5) Install the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, INSTALLATION, Extension Case.>

6) Install the transmission assembly to the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-70, INSTALLATION, Automatic Transmission Assembly.>


1) Using the ST, remove the ball bearing (large) from transfer reduction driven gear.

ST1 899864100 REMOVER
ST2 398497701 SEAT
ST3 498077600 REMOVER

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

2) Using the ST, remove the ball bearing (small) from transfer reduction driven gear.

ST1 899864100 REMOVER
ST2 398497701 SEAT
ST3 18720AA000 REMOVER

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission


1) Install the new ball bearing (large) to reduction driven gear using the ST.



Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

2) Install the new ball bearing (small) to reduction driven gear.

NOTE: Use a new ball bearing.


Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission



1) Measure depth "A" from the ST upper face to the ball bearing catch surface.

ST 398643600 GAUGE

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

2) Measure height "B" from the ST to the end of the ball bearing outer ring.

ST 398643600 GAUGE

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

3) Obtain the thickness of shim using the following formula to select none to two shims.

T mm = (A - 15) - (B + 15) - (0.05 - 0.25)
[T in = (A - 0.591) - (B + 0.591) - (0.002 - 0.01) ]
T: Shim thickness
A: Depth from the ST upper face to the ball bearing catch surface
B: Height from the ST to the end of the ball bearing outer ring
15 mm (0.591 in): Thickness of ST
0.05 - 0.25 mm (0.002 - 0.01 in): Clearance

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

Parking Pawl


1) Remove the transmission assembly from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.>

2) Shift the range select lever to "N" range.

3) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extension Case.>

4) Remove the parking pawl shaft, return spring and parking pawl.

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

  1. Parking pawl shaft
  2. Return spring
  3. Parking pawl


1) Set the range select lever to the "N" range.

2) Install the parking pawl shaft, return spring and parking pawl.

NOTE: Make sure that the end of return spring sticks out of parking pawl as shown in (a). Make sure that the other end contacts the rib of intermediate case as shown in (b).

Subaru Outback. Continuously Variable Transmission

  1. Parking pawl shaft
  2. Return spring
  3. Parking pawl

3) Install the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, INSTALLATION, Extension Case.>

4) Install the transmission assembly to the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-70, INSTALLATION, Automatic Transmission Assembly.>



 Intermediate Case

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission assembly from vehicle body. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extens

 Reverse Brake Assembly

A: REMOVAL NOTE: For removal of reverse brake assembly, refer to "Intermediate Case". <Ref. to CVT-165, REMOVAL, Intermediate Case.> B: INSTALLATION NOTE: For removal of reverse brake assembly,

 Forward Clutch Assembly

A: REMOVAL 1) Remove the transmission from the vehicle. <Ref. to CVT-55, REMOVAL, Automatic Transmission Assembly.> 2) Remove the extension case. <Ref. to CVT-138, REMOVAL, Extension Case.&


 Ashtray (if equipped)

CAUTION ● Do not use ashtrays as waste receptacles or leave a lighted cigarette in an ashtray. This could cause a fire. ● Always extinguish matches and cigarettes before putting them into the ashtray, and then close the ashtray securely. If you keep the ashtray open, the fire of th

 Category selection

To activate the category search mode, press the “PTY/CAT” button. To deactivate the category search mode, press the “PTY/CAT” button again. When in the category search mode, pressing the “FOLDER” button “” changes the category up by one step. Pressing “” changes the ca

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